Sunday, March 28, 2010


YO! Wassup guys, hope u guys doing fine and ok with life! Apparently I'm working with MCHJV..erm guess need some explanation rite? MCHJV is stands for Malaysia China Hydro Joint Venture company that base at Bakun,Sarawak under project of Simedarby. Did you guys ever heard of the Dam,Bakun project? There's no IT staff at Bakun here so they call me for the interview at 2nd floor USJ 7,Simedarby Energy for the interview.

The previous staff was quit 2 weeks before I came in unfortunately he never handover his stuff to me. So..its a mess here!! To be honest, for this 1st week at Bakun..I blur! Damn blur! AHAHAHAHAH not because of the environment but because of the mess that previous IT staff left to me.

I'm not that happy nor sad to be working here, but here absolutely a lot of things need to learn and catch up, this one whole week I'm working including Sunday since there's no things I can do in my room (of course there's no TV,Laptop,Internet in my room hahahahaha).

So better I go to the office working and surf internet. Oh yea...the worst thing to working under MCHJV need to work on Monday until Saturday!HAHAHAHA Saturday is full day 8.30am-5.30pm! HAHAHAHAHA

So you guys must be wondering whats my position here and my salary rite?? Bluek! Write your comment if you guys wanna know!! HAHAHAHHA

Suffered! Painless!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Goodbye doesn't mean the last,
A kiss of goodbye doesn't mean the end,

Apparently this week gonna be my last week at Simedarby Energy & Utilities,USJ 7,Subang Jaya. I have to sacrifice my Cisco CCNA Networking certificate in order to go Sarawak. I rather chose job than studies...there's no 2nd chance in job, but studies you may continue as long as you've got $$ ahahahahhaha

New challenge ahead of me, I dont know how in the world I'm gonna tell her about this..couple more days to go..this will never be the last of Goodbye..

It is just the beginning of me....

Refuse to say Goodbye, Dare took the challenge,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The greatest escape...!!?

Lately I've been busy with work and stuff such as my pc. Damn I never realize motherboard,graphic card and power supply are all broken..thought that only power supply..but I don't think I could afford to buy those motherboard and graphic card at the moment since I only got a budget for power supply which is cost around RM179 only....

Suddenly out of nowhere...I lost my self confidence when a lot of stuff need to take care of these few weeks..Hope that I could cope with these amount of pressure and it will be great if i could..and it will be "The Greatest Escape"..

A moment to remember, A moment I've been waiting for,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's laugh!

Let's laugh when sad..

Mak Minah dan Pak Mat ada 4 org anak perempuan yang sangat disayangi iaitu Siti, Seri, Murni dan Suri. Satu hari mereka berpakat utk kawinkan anak² ni serentak. Selepas selamat diijabkabulkan, ke-empat² anak tu pun bercadang untuk pegi honeymoon. Siti pegi honeymoon ke Pulau Langkawi, Seri ke Pulau Tioman, Murni ke Pulau Kapas dan Suri ke Pulau Pangkor.
Sebelum pegi Mak Minah dan Pak Mat berpesan, “nanti jgn lupa hantar berita pada mak & ayah. Ceritakan macam mana honeymoon korang. Tak payah tulis panjang², pakai kod iklan aja dah cukup. Ringkas, padat & cepat”. Panjang lebar Mak Minah memberi arahan pada anak2nya.
Seminggu lepas tu depa terimalah surat dari Siti yang bertulis ‘Standard Chartered’. Tercari2lah kedua suami isteri ni iklan Standard Chartered dan bila jumpa tersenyum le kedua2nya membaca iklan yang bertulis “Besar, teguh dan peramah”. Bahagialah Si Siti rupanya..
Esoknya terima pula surat Seri yang bertulis ‘Nescafe’. Carilah iklan Nescafe dan tersenyum lagi keduanya membaca iklan yang bertulis “Nikmatnya hingga ke titisan yang terakhir”. Bahagialah Si Seri rupanya…
Selang beberapa hari kemudian, tiba pula surat Murni bertulis KFC. Carilah iklan KFC dan tersenyum keduanya membaca iklan yang bertulis ‘Hingga Menjilat Jari’. Bahagia jugalah Si Murni rupanya…
Seminggu berlalu, tiada surat dari Suri, Mak Minah & Pak Mat dah risau. Dua Minggu… tak ada jugak.. masuk minggu ke tiga baru sampai surat dari Suri dengan isi kandungannya “AIR ASIA”. Bergegas le Mak Minah cari iklan penerbangan tu sbb tak sabar nak tau apa yg jadi kat anak bongsunya. Bila dibaca, Mak Minah & Pak Mat terkulat² tak tau nak senyum atau menangis.. Apa motto iklan itu…??

3 jam sekali!! Marathon??

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

once upon a time...
